Quick-Start Workouts | RipRow™
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Quick-Start Workouts

Quick-Start Workouts

Hi there!

Thank you for buying your RipRow™ and for visiting this site. I'm so excited I can't even express it. 

You might be like,

"Stoked! I have a RipRow! Now what do I do with it?"

This page will get you started with some workout ideas. 

Have fun out there, and please tell us how it's going in the comments field below.


Pick a stance

This video shows the three main stances you'll be using. If you use bike stance, be sure to switch feet between sets (or halfway through sets). 

Bonus: Triangle of Awesome

Pick a level

You can count reps and sets on a Riprow™ just like when you're lifting weights, but I think it works better to go by time. Treat each block of work (each "set") as in interval. 

Here are some interval durations for RipRowers of various levels:

  • Beginner: 1 minute
  • Intermediate: 3 minutes
  • Advanced: 5 minutes

Do an interval, rest a moment then do another. If you feel great, rest less. 

You might be a pro athlete, but you're a beginner RipRower! RipRow is taxing in a very unique way. Start slow. Focus on form. Build intensity, resistance and duration gradually. You might feel great right now, but you might not feel that way in the morning. 

Start with 1-minute intervals. If you can handle more work, don't rest between sets.

Warm up

Always warm up before RipRowing and riding. Here's a 5- to 6-minute warmup from Coach Dee Tidwell at Enduro MTB Training

Pick a workout

Start at the top of the list, with Workout A. The workouts start short and simple. As you work down the list, the workouts get longer and more complex.

When a workout gets easy, you can A) work faster, B) add resistance to the dampers or C) start doing a more challenging workout.

Do a RipRow™ workout every day. With the RipRow™ we're not just building physical fitness. We're also building the neuromuscular patterns — muscle memory — that help you ride safer, better and faster. These patterns can win races and quite literally save your life. 

So use your RipRow™ every day. If you're tired and pressed for time, do 5 minutes easy. Heck, do one minute easy. But do something every day or — even better — more than once per day. The more often you do the moves, the better your body adapts to them. 

This is called greasing the groove. You have to watch this video:

Once you're in the RipRow™ groove, you might do a hard workout a few days per week and an easier workout on the other days, or as a warmup for riding.


Workout A: 5 minutes

ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute

Workout B: 7 minutes

ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute

Workout C: 10 minutes

ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute

Workout D: 10 minutes

ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
StraightRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute

Workout E: 10 minutes

ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute
Cornering to the right 1 minute
Cornering to the left 1 minute
Cornering to the right 1 minute
Cornering to the left 1 minute

Workout F: 10 minutes

ShredLift 1 minute
LowRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute
RoundRow 1 minute
Cornering to the right 1 minute
Cornering to the left 1 minute
Cornering to the right 1 minute
Cornering to the left 1 minute
Slalom 1 minute
Slalom 1 minute

When you add cornering and slalom (workouts E and F), you're getting a very complete workout, especially for your core. 

Here are the moves


How's it going? Ask questions and give us feedback in the comments form below. You can also email me at lee@riprow.com.


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May 08, 2019 • Posted by Richard

I have only done a handful of short workouts on the RipRow but have a good understanding of the movements and posture. I was impressed that I immediately felt more balanced pumping through a section of familiar trail earlier this week. The moment I checked my knee position (triangle of awesomeness) both feet were pressing into the pedals! Sweet.

Feb 24, 2019 • Posted by Joel

Audrey, most if the videos are on YouTube. Some of the older ones are on Vimeo. If you look up Lee’s channel, you should see them there.

I got my RipRow earlier this year. While it hasn’t been snowy, it’s been super rainy. I’ve done the RipRow almost every day and am noticing that I’m putting on some muscle, even though mtb rides have been scarce. I think it’d be a great tool for you…err…your husband. ;)

Feb 15, 2019 • Posted by Audrey Mendenhall

The videos on the riprow.com site do not play on my computer. I can hear the audio, but not watch any images. Any help with that? I’m thinking about getting one of these for my hubby-(so I can use it). I just wanted to make sure I had access to good training videos as this is a totally new concept to use for daily exercise. My hubby and I ride quite a bit of mountain bike in the summer here in Montana, but get fat and out of shape in the winter. I am hoping this will work to keep us in shape during the cold snowy winter. Then maybe the first few weeks of riding we’re not sucking air so bad. I always feel strong and in shape at the end of the summer, but dread getting started in the Spring. Do you think this will do the trick? Do you combine other workouts with this?

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