What is RipRow?
RipRow is a universal movement trainer. You stand and balance while performing full-body row and anti-row movements. RipRow provides resistance in both the pull and push directions, hence activating the entire anterior/posterior core chain.
Mountain biking
RipRow was invented for mountain biking. There is no more efficient and effective way to build the strength, endurance and skills for great mountain biking, BMX and motocross. RipRow is used by recreational and elite riders worldwide.
Movements trained
- Hinge and hip drive (like a deadlift)
I call this a “shredlift.” - Upper body pull and lower body push, aka "row”
- Upper body push and lower body pull, aka “anti-row”
- These movements use the entire body as an integrated whole.
- Exercises can be performed in a variety of stances with both or one arm and one or both legs with total control over resistance level.
Muscles trained
In a functionally integrated way RipRow improves all major parts of the body: lower legs, thighs, hips (build a juicy booty!), core, back, chest, shoulders and arms.
It is especially effective at integrating the entire posterior chain, but deep anterior flexors are strengthened as well.
Cardio vs. strength
RipRow can be used to train either or both systems. With light resistance and quick movement over time, RipRow is a highly effective cardio machine. With heavy resistance and fewer reps, RipRow becomes a full-body strength machine. With 12 levels of resistance and control of handlebar speed, workouts can be tuned precisely for user needs.
- Two hydraulic cylinders, one for pull and one for push;
- Resistance is independently adjustable from a very light #1 to a rather stout #12;
- Depending on resistance level and movement speed, the user can experience loads at the bar from less than 1 lbs to more than 200 lbs.
Optional rockers
Rockers require additional balancing, stabilization and full-body coordination. Perfect for rehab as well as athletic performance.
When feet are side by side, you must balance side to side.
When feet are offset forward to back, you must balance both side to side and forward to back.
MyBar Adapter
Use your own bar and stem to burn in every last bit of muscle memory. Pre-order here.
Footprint: 2 x 3 feet
Weight: 30 lbs for the Base model; 34 lbs with the Pro Rocker Kit.
Handlebar: The knurled stainless steel handlebar is 32.25 inches (820mm) wide and 1 inch (25.4mm) thick. This allows a wide variety of hand positions.
User heights: RipRow adjusts to fit users from about 4’9” to 6’8”.
Material: Aluminum base and frame with a stainless steel handlebar.
Finish: The stock machines are raw aluminum with decals to minimize cost. Custom colors and branding are available.
Manufactured: In Denver ColoRADo by real people being paid properly.
Models and pricing
Base model without rockers: $849
Pro Rocker Kit: $399
Who is Lee McCormack
Lee McCormack, inventor of the RipRow, is a true polymath nerd athlete. He is an award winning journalist and infographics artist, information designer, software designer, champion mountain bike racer, mountain bike skills instructor, inventor, entrepreneur, author, teacher, corporate speaker and spiritual leader.
Lee studied exercise physiology, journalism and creative writing at Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA.
• 1,000,000s of video views on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Outside TV. Co creator of the "Joy of Bike" YouTube show.
• 10,000+ mountain bikers taught and coached
• 3,000 articles in major cycling and fitness magazines and websites, including Bicycling, Outside, Mountain Bike Action, REI and his own site www.leelikesbikes.com
• 1,500 youth mountain bike coaches trained in the United States; thousands more trained worldwide via the book “Teaching Mountain Bike Skills.”
• 11 books so far. Mastering Mountain Bike Skills, published by Human Kinetics, is in three editions and a dozen languages. This is the publisher’s top selling trade book.
• 8th place at the Masters World Downhill Mountain Bike championships
• 3rd place at World Pump Track championships
• 2nd place at a Grand National Rodeo bull riding competition
• 1 U.S. National Downhill Mountain Biking championship
• 1 Pulitzer Prize
• 1 purposefully joyful life

Where RipRow came from
As Lee’s shoulders deteriorated from years of misuse, he needed a tool to help him understand proper mechanics and build the strength he needed to ride and coach mountain biking at the highest level. RipRow was born from this search.
The invention of RipRow has revolutionized how Lee teaches mountain biking skills, and it led to the RideLogic method for dynamic mountain bike fitting.
RipRow has sold 1,000 units so far. It’s used by mountain bikers, motocrossers, football players, mixed martial artists, volleyball players, skiers, physical therapists, and active people of all sorts.

Testimonials and Media Reviews
“As a retired NFL linebacker who still coaches and wants to stay in great shape, I use the RipRow as a core part of my training routine. It lets me maintain my hip drive without the risk of heavy deadlifts. My body has been through enough.”
- All Pro Linebacker Chad Brown (Steelers, Seahawks and Patriots)
Here’s a video of Chad in the Denver Broncos Gym: https://youtu.be/ckrka-ABxBE
“Certain pieces of equipment, like treadmills, ellipticals and rowers, become gym staples. RipRow checks all the boxes. I see it becoming a staple in gyms everywhere.”
- Jake Ziemba, Procurement Director for Colorado Athletic Clubs
“I use RipRow during the winter to maintain strength while improving my core movement skills. During the season I use RipRow on the road to stay mobile and sharp. It’s the best pre-race warmup ever.”
- Macky Franklin, professional mountain bike racer
“I use RipRow as the cornerstone of my rehab from shoulder replacement. I’m gaining range of motion and strength way faster than my surgeon expected, and I’m having fun doing it.”
- Lee “I’m not just the inventor of RipRow; I’m also a client” McCormack
"We love using the RipRow to help our clients improve their stamina, strength and body position on the bike and in other action sports. It’s also been a great way to address movement issues."
- Robin Lyons CSCS, MTB LAB Holistic Performance Coaching in Driggs, ID
“In 2 years (2021 & 2022) of using the RipRow, my wife (69 years) and I (68 years) are riding technical trails more confidently using rows and anti-rows in the sine waves of love. Rowing up the front of rocks and anti-rowing down the backsides. We frequently praise you after rides on how we used your concepts in various features. Just starting up 2023 RipRow training for the upcoming dirt season.”
- Mark Borman, stoked athlete
Outside Magazine: “The RipRow Will Make You a Better Mountain Biker. This machine isn't just the latest entry into the pantheon of strange exercise equipment. It's also the best thing to happen to mountain bike–specific training, perhaps ever.”
Mountain Bike Action Magazine: “RipRow is a very versatile piece of equipment for riders. It’s great for building and strengthening the fundamental movements of mountain biking and seems to work about as well as the intense workout you’d get from being full throttle on a descent for the same amount of time. As far as indoor fitness goes, this is about as close as we’ve seen to an at-home pump track simulator. This would be an excellent addition to any rider’s home gym.”
The Pro’s Closet: “Steve injured his shoulder mountain biking, but came back stronger, fitter, and faster than ever thanks to the RipRow, a unique workout machine and training tool. Not only is it great for pumping, balance, core strength, and other MTB movements, but it can help with rehab and physical therapy for cycling injuries.”